General Director of PV GAS Pham Van Phong: Embrace the spirit of determination, unanimity, and effort to strive to complete the management plan for 2024

Having exceeded the management plan targets assigned by VietnamOil and Gas Group (PVN) in the first 6 months of 2024, Vietnam Gas Corporation - Joint Stock Company (PV GAS) is also ready to cope with unprecedented difficulties and challenges in the coming time. Facing a decisive moment, PV GAS General Director Pham Van Phong launched a call for determination, tightening the team, working together for the common cause, for the sustainable development of PV GAS, continue to maintain its position as a pioneer and leader in the gas industry in the nation's Green Energy Journey.

In the first half of 2024, PV GAS has excellently surpassed many management milestones in implementing production and business activities despite the existence of extremely difficult and challenging conditions. The Corporation has achieved very comprehensive results, exceeding the management plan targets assigned by the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) in Decision 529/QD-DKVN, including the following indicators: Growth target is very impressive compared to the same period in 2023: LPG business output completed 111% of the management plan, growing 38%; The Corporation's total revenue completed 111% of the management plan, growing 12%; Pre-tax profit completed over 180% of management plan, growing 8%; Budget submission completed 200% of the plan, an increase of over 13% over the same period; Construction investment disbursement value completed 124% of the plan. 

The results achieved above are due to the Corporation's executive apparatus being determined, persistent and synchronously implementing management solutions, business development, expanding international business markets, maximizing cost optimization,...along with the solidarity and consensus of all PV GAS employees. The Corporation recognizes and appreciates the sense of responsibility of PV GAS employees and affirms their determination in leadership to successfully complete management targets in 2024.

Right at the time of continuing the tasks in the last 6 months of 2024, Mr. Pham Van Phong emphasized: "Although the results of implementation in the first 6 months of 2024 are very positive, the tasks and goals of the management plan for the last 6 months The year is still very heavy; Ensuring the completion of assigned plans in conditions of many unfavorable and volatile factors is extremely difficult." Therefore, PV GAS General Director requests the Board of General Directors, leaders of Departments/Offices/Centers of the Corporation and its affiliated units, and PV GAS representatives at member units to continue focusing on Focus on implementing production and business management with the spirit: "Highest focus on production and business activities and building/identifying the driving forces to ensure the unit's growth in the last 6 months of 2024 and the following years". 

 Phát triển bền vững ngành công nghiệp khí Việt Nam là vinh dự và trọng trách của PV GAS 

The successful completion of PV GAS's management plan in 2024 depends entirely on the efforts of the Corporation's leadership and employees. Firstly, the leadership team is consistent in its direction and management perspective to maintain the set management goals; Focus on overcoming shortcomings and removing bottlenecks to promote the activities of the Corporation/unit; Develop a specific implementation plan for each target that needs to be implemented and implementation solutions to ensure the completion of management targets. Second, PV GAS employees unite, make efforts, and unanimously overcome difficulties; Promote and promote the work of "managing fluctuations, renewing old motivation, adding new motivation" with specific solutions with the motto "tell the truth, do the truth and achieve real results" in words and actions. act.

The responsibility of leading and developing the competitive energy market of Petrovietnam/PVGAS assigned by the Party and the Government poses heavy responsibilities that each PV GAS employee must be aware of and proud to shoulder. Entering a new stage of development with fierce competition and new, tougher challenges, PV GAS Board of Directors trusts and expects each leader, manager, and each employee in their working position. increasingly united, effortful, determined, drastic, synchronous, and effective in leadership, direction, administration and labor, to best complete the management plan assigned by PVN in 2024 and next step. 


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