PV PIPE focuses on promoting corporate culture intensively

PV PIPE ghi nhận và biểu dương CBCNV-NLĐ có thành tích xuất xắc trong sản xuất kinh doanh.

PV PIPE considers corporate culture as one of the core factors that the unit always cares about and emphasizes. Corporate culture has become a strength for PV PIPE to promote the collective strengths, enhance internal strength, improve labor productivity, successfully complete tasks, goals, and increasingly develop sustainably.

In 2023, PetroVietnam Steel Pipe Joint Stock Company (PV PIPE), focused on implementing the Corporate Culture with many practical and meaningful activities in line with the directions of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) and PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS).

Specifically, PV PIPE has clearly stated the role of the Corporate Culture and the responsibilities of each officer, employee, and worker (OEWW) to be implemented at events: the 2023 business plan deployment meeting, the 2023 labor congress ... The company also includes Corporate Culture in training content for newly recruited employees to facilitate their quick integration into the work environment; proceeding to change the use of Petrovietnam's new trademark. The Safety and Hygiene Team regularly reminds officers and workers to tidy up, arrange workspaces in a friendly, convenient, scientific manner, following the 5S model to enhance work efficiency and the image of oil and gas workers.

To effectively spread the values of Corporate Culture within the organization, PV PIPE quickly diversifies forms of communication, using various means such as electronic information websites, TV screens, social media...

In addition, PV PIPE actively promotes the emulation movement in production labor, traditional patriotic education activities, national defense; timely commendation of employees with outstanding achievements in business production; organizing visits to families with revolutionary contributions, supporting difficult employee families, supporting poor people, mountainous areas...

Công tác An sinh xã hội cũng là một trong những điểm sáng của PV PIPE

In 2024, PV PIPE continues to promote the implementation of activities that were well executed in 2023 such as: organizing propaganda about Corporate Culture and Values for employees through collective activities, physical exercises, cultural activities, gratitude ceremonies...; make Corporate Culture and Values training content mandatory for training new employees; diversify forms of communication to widely promote the PV GAS/PV PIPE brand and cultural values through films, songs, logos, posters...; continuously implement 5S to ensure that the working positions of employees are always friendly, modern, scientific, and fully participate in PV GAS and Petrovietnam's Corporate Culture and Values activities/events... Especially, in order to enhance the responsibility of the unit's leaders and encourage enthusiastic employees to work hard, explore innovations and improvements, PV PIPE plans to include Corporate Culture and Values targets in the KPI evaluation index in the annual assessment and commendation for managers and collective individuals.

With creativity and relentless efforts, PV PIPE confidently believes that it will build and develop a corporate culture that continues to develop, with its own identity, even more impressive.


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