Popularize gasoline E5 Ron 92 in the Central Region: Experience in Quang Ngai

Bài học về sự chủ động quyết liệt

On November 22, 2012, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 53/QD-TTg and then the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 113/QD-BCT on the roadmap for applying the blending ratio of biofuels with traditional fuels; accordingly, Quang Ngai is one of the 7 provinces and cities (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Can Tho, Ba Ria - Vung Tau) to distribute E5 Ron 92 gasoline, replacing traditional fuel for road vehicles starting from December 1, 2014, and nationwide from December 1, 2015.

To effectively implement the above decisions, the People's Committee of Quang Ngai Province and the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group quickly signed a plan to implement the cooperation agreement on the development of biofuels. They agreed to accelerate the progress of implementing the E5 biofuel distribution plan by 3 months (before September 1, 2014) compared to the provisions of Decision No. 53/QD-TTg dated November 22, 2012, by the Prime Minister.

Bán rộng rãi xăng E5 tại Quảng Ngãi

This bold determination was highly agreed upon by the People's Committee of Quang Ngai Province and the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, together with the community taking responsibility throughout the implementation process. Comrade Pham Nhu So, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Ngai Province, said: "This is a very high political determination of the entire political system of Quang Ngai Province and the Group. Advancing the distribution schedule of E5 gasoline before 3 months will contribute to promoting agriculture, rural development; protecting the environment; developing industry; increasing state budget revenues...". Regarding infrastructure, according to Deputy General Director of the Group Nguyen Sinh Khang, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group proactively constructed the Bio-Ethanol Dung Quat Biofuel Plant. And has completed the construction of a mixing system directly connecting the Bio-Ethanol Biofuel Plant to the Dung Quat Oil Refinery, creating a significant advantage in supplying, developing the E5 gasoline distribution system in Quang Ngai province in particular and the Central - Central Highlands region in general.

Through working with the Department of Industry and Trade of Quang Ngai province, we have compiled and would like to present some comparison figures below. Before implementing the simultaneous distribution of E5 gasoline, the total average gasoline consumption in Quang Ngai per month is about 6,960m3; in which, Mogas 92 gasoline: 5,770m3, accounting for about 84%; Mogas 95 gasoline: 713m3, accounting for about 10%; E5-Ron 92 gasoline (preliminary sales) 477m3, accounting for about 6%. After implementing the plan, the total average gasoline consumption per month is about 5,850m3; in which, Mogas 95 gasoline: 1,347m3, accounting for about 23%; E5 Ron 92 gasoline: 4,503m3, accounting for about 77%. According to the forecast of the Department of Industry and Trade, in the coming time, this proportion will continue to change towards increasing the share of E5 Ron 92 gasoline and reducing the share of Mogas 95 gasoline. Building on this success, the People's Committee of Quang Ngai province is determined to strive by the end of 2015 to launch E10 gasoline for widespread consumption.

Sự lan tỏa tích cực

Immediately after successfully deploying the widespread distribution of E5 Ron 92 gasoline in Quang Ngai, the Corporation proactively collaborated with two localities in the region, Da Nang City and Quang Nam province. And on the 23rd and 24th of September, PVN worked with Da Nang City and Quang Nam province to accelerate the use of E5 RON 92 gasoline in the area.

Da Nang is one of the 7 provinces and cities directed by the government to implement the early distribution route of E5 petrol (from 1/12/2014). Quang Nam is the province officially instructed to participate in the distribution of E5 petrol from 1/12/2015 (generally with 56 provinces nationwide). However, Quang Nam is a geographically advantageous locality as it is close to Quang Ngai province - where there is a supply of E5 petrol and Da Nang city - with a large consumer market, and convenient transportation routes. In addition, Quang Nam has an alcohol plant (not belonging to the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group) operating intermittently. Bringing the distribution route earlier will "stimulate" this plant to operate at a higher capacity.

And these two localities have indeed joined in. Specifically, from October 1, 2014, all gas stations in Danang city will distribute E5 biofuel alongside A92 and A95 gasoline; from November 1, 2014, E5 gasoline will completely replace traditional A92 gasoline, circulating alongside A95 gasoline. In Quang Nam, starting from October 1, 2014, all retail gas stations in the area will distribute E5 Ron 92 biofuel alongside 92 and 95 mineral gasoline. By December 1, 2014, striving for 100% of gas stations to completely replace traditional gasoline with E5 Ron 92 biofuel circulating alongside 95 mineral gasoline (ahead of the government's 1-year regulation).

The positive impact of this spread has turned 3 provinces and cities in the Central region into pioneering localities nationwide in implementing the government's decision on the use of biofuels instead of traditional fuels. This success has affirmed the correctness of introducing biofuel to serve life and production. Positively responding to the government's commitment to the international community on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Developing biofuels to improve the lives of cassava growers, contributing to eradicating hunger and reducing poverty, and effectively implementing social security.

Vai trò của truyền thông

The success here cannot be mentioned without the role of communication. Through monitoring in all 3 locations: Quang Ngai, Da Nang, and Quang Nam, dissemination work has contributed positively to the transformation of awareness and usage habits of consumers.

Every locality sets up a section to broadcast propaganda programs about E5 biofuel. It focuses on specific reflections on the production of E5 RON 92 gasoline; on standards, product quality; on safety in use; on the superiority of biofuel over traditional gasoline; on environmental improvement, contributing to sustainable income for the agricultural sector... The local Party newspapers all have special sections on E5 gasoline, with comprehensive reports and articles on biofuels. Websites of electronic information pages, from provincial information portals to departments, bureaus, and agencies, design and publish images of biofuels...

Visual propaganda is also being vigorously implemented, banners can be seen on all main roads in the cities. Gas stations install banners and propaganda panels. BSR prints and distributes hundreds of thousands of flyers, with concise, compact, easy-to-understand content, distributed to each community, each gas station... The comprehensive coverage of propaganda work is a "revolution" in awareness, helping consumers feel confident in using biofuel.

In addition, there is a commitment to ensure quality and pricing; creating the most favorable conditions for distributors by the Corporation; a mechanism, a supportive policy for general agents, petroleum dealers to receive and distribute E5 Ron 92 gasoline; a higher commission policy when trading traditional gasoline products... At the same time, propose to ministries, sectors, and the Government with tax policies, price policies, support policies to bring biofuel to island districts and mountainous regions. Sustainable raw material planning best meets production of ethanol.

Deploying the distribution of E5 Ron 92 gasoline to replace a portion of traditional fossil fuels is in line with the general development trend worldwide, contributing to ensuring national energy security and promoting agricultural and rural development. It affirms that when consumers are provided with complete information and receive the manufacturer's commitment to quality, clear distribution, and transparency, success is inevitable.

Nguồn PVN


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