Director General of PV GAS attends meeting with Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade on energy projects

July 17, 2024, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hoang Long had a working session at the headquarters of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) to discuss the implementation status of energy projects and work. .

The meeting was attended by representatives of leaders of departments and agencies under the Ministry of Industry and Trade and leaders of Petrovietnam, including General Director Le Ngoc Son, Member of the Board of Directors Tran Binh Minh, Deputy General Director Phan Tu Giang, and representatives of professional committees. General Director of Vietnam Gas Corporation Pham Van Phong also attended the meeting with leaders of Vietsovpetro, PVEP, PV Power, PTSC.

Petrovietnam presented an overview report of operations, production and business situation in the first 6 months of the year, planned tasks for the last 6 months of 2024, progress of implementing key projects and made a number of recommendations and proposals. with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to remove difficulties and obstacles. PV GAS General Director Pham Van Phong reported on achievements in production and business activities of PV GAS in 2023 and the first 6 months of 2024, as well as the implementation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade's directions on ensuring supply. supplying gas for electricity production and participating in ensuring national energy security.

Tổng Giám đốc PV GAS Phạm Văn Phong báo cáo tại cuộc họp

General Director of PV GAS reported on the difficult situation of current domestic gas resources, including: mobilizing gas sources for electricity production is unstable and at a very low level (about 8.6% for 6 months). early 2024 compared to 11.5% in the same 6 months of 2023), while high coal power output has a large influence and impact on state budget revenue as well as the Net Zero commitment by 2050. ; Some costs for transporting gas through unlicensed gas infrastructure make it difficult for PVGAS to negotiate and sign gas purchase and sale contracts for consumers as well as recover costs invested in gas this infrastructure. Regarding LNG gas sources, the implementation of infrastructure construction to import LNG is still very lacking and slow compared to the goals set in Electricity Planning VIII.

Thứ trưởng Nguyễn Hoàng Long kết luận các nội dung làm việc

General Director of PV GAS proposed that the leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Trade direct EVN/A0 to increase gas output to generate electricity in 2024 in accordance with the exploitation capacity of natural gas fields and Petrovietnam/PV GAS's commitment. with mine owners. In particular, in times when electricity demand is not high (such as off-peak hours, rainy season...), it is proposed to gradually reduce coal use to 20% by 2030 and reduce it to zero by 2050 according to Vietnam's Net Zero commitment. Government.

PVGAS also proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade issue documents related to pricing of natural gas transportation services by pipeline for electricity production, and at the same time direct the handling of problems related to BOT power plants. For LNG projects, PV GAS General Director has proposed to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to consider and report to the Prime Minister to direct the construction of centralized LNG import infrastructure, to reduce investment costs and prices. into generating electricity from LNG, creating favorable conditions for the implementation of new projects in this field.

Tổng Giám đốc Petrovietnam Lê Ngọc Sơn phát biểu cảm ơn đoàn công tác

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Long highly appreciated the efficiency of production and business activities of Petrovietnam and PV GAS, making an important contribution to ensuring energy security and contributing to the national budget. He also appreciated PV GAS's recommendations and pledged that the Ministry of Industry and Trade would actively coordinate with ministries and branches to find solutions to remove problems and propose decisions. He also committed that the leaders of the Ministry, Departments and Bureaus under the Ministry will support Petrovietnam and its member units to promote policy implementation solutions and create investment opportunities in the coming time.


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