The Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PV GAS attends and directs the intermediate review conference between the terms of the party committees of the grassroots

Based on Guidelines No. 29-HD/PC dated 29/05/2023 and official letters No. 231/CV-PC dated 09/6/2023, official letter No. 232/CV-PC dated 13/6/2023 from the Party Committee of PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation regarding the organization of midterm review, 16 affiliated Party cells under the Party Committee of PV GAS held a conference to evaluate the implementation of the Resolution of the term 2020 - 2025 and review the performance of production and business tasks in the first 6 months of the year, as well as the plan for the last 6 months of 2023. 

From June 20 to 26, 2023, Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee - Chairman of the Board of Directors of PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS), attended the evaluation conferences of the grassroots Party Committees of Gas Processing Company Vung Tau (KVT), Gas Company Ca Mau (KCM), Vietnam CNG Joint Stock Company (CNG Vietnam), PetroVietnam Steel Pipe Joint Stock Company (PV Pipe).

Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee - Chairman of the Board of Directors of PV GAS, delivered directions at the mid-term review conference of the grassroots Party Committee of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company

Attend the Working Group with Comrade Tran Duc Son, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee - Head of the Personnel Organization Department; comrades in the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, the Board of Directors (BOD) and the General Director; comrades in the Party Committee's Executive Committee, representatives of the Party Committee's Office and specialized departments of the Corporation. The Secretary of the Party Committee, the Party Committee's Executive Committee, the Company's Board of Directors, the Party Cells of the units, and members of the grassroots Party Committees participated in the Conference with a serious and united spirit.

At the conference, the representatives of the Executive Committee presented the draft report 'Interim evaluation of the 2020-2025 term implementing the Party Congress Resolution and interim evaluation of the business production tasks for the first 6 months, plan for the last 6 months of 2023'. Generally evaluating the results achieved in the first half of the 2020-2025 term and the results of implementing the business production tasks for the first 6 months of 2023, all Party committees have made efforts to fulfill and excellently fulfill their leadership roles in directing all activities of the Company; The Party Committee has implemented leadership, closely following the resolutions of the Congress.

The working delegation of the Party Committee of PV GAS at the mid-term review conference - Party Committee of the grassroots level of the Gas Processing Company Vung Tau

All conferences receive many contributions to the draft reports from party members in the Party cell; evaluations and comments from the Working Group members, and especially the directing speech of Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

Following closely the contents of the conferences, Comrade Secretary Nguyen Thanh Binh congratulated the subordinate Party committees and commended the results achieved in the general midterm period of 2020-2025 and specifically in the first 6 months of 2023, amidst facing various adverse impacts from the pandemic, market, and macroeconomy. 

Comrade Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the BOD affirmed that this closing conference is a very important occasion, an opportunity for the leadership of the Corporation to meet, exchange information with the collective leadership, officials, party members, and employees of the unit. Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh highly appreciated the thorough and comprehensive preparation for the conference, in full agreement with the reports, orientations in the coming time of the units. At the same time, the Secretary also exchanged, oriented, directed, and suggested many important issues regarding the requirements, tasks set for the activities of the party committees in the coming time. 

Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee - Chairman of the Board of Directors of PV GAS, inspected the actual production and business activities of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Steel Pipe Production Joint Stock Company

Comrade Secretary proposes that the Party Committees under the Party base their decisions on Regulation No. 48-QD/TW dated December 20, 2021 of the Politburo to clearly define and implement the tasks of the grassroots Party branch/Party cell in state-owned enterprises, which are: leading the implementation of production, business, national defense, security; leading the political and ideological work; leading organizational and cadre work; leading party organizational construction; leading, conducting inspection, supervision work and leading political-social organizations.

Comrade Secretary of the Party Committee also proposed that grassroots party organizations focus on innovating the leadership methods of the party committees at all levels in the unit according to Action Program No. 23-CTr/DU dated February 7, 2023 of the Party Committee of the Corporation towards democracy, effectiveness, practicality; effectively implementing the responsibilities of setting examples for officials, party members, especially those in leadership positions; paying attention to carrying out political and ideological work within the Party and the unit; strengthening party member management, implementing solutions for sourcing and developing party members, ensuring quality and procedures; correctly implementing regulations on cell meetings, committee meetings, and party activity transitions; enhancing inspection and supervision work. 

The delegation of the Party Committee of PV GAS congratulates the successful midterm review conference 2020-2025 of the Party Committee of the grassroots level Gas Company Ca Mau

 In the context of TCT's transition from a monopoly on nature's quality to a competitive trend, together with the transfer of leadership generation at TCT and some units, Comrade Secretary of the Party Committee proposes that units continue to inherit, strictly implement the principles of organization and operation of the Party, especially the principles of democracy, self-criticism, and criticism; resolutely maintain solidarity, unity, and efficient coordination of resources to successfully achieve the set goals and tasks. In the management of production and business operations, Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh noted that grassroots party committees should research and issue specialized resolutions for important areas in production and business activities that require focused leadership and direction.

For the production and business activities of each party base, the Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors also emphasized some key tasks to complete the production and business plan in 2023 and orient for the following years of the units as follows:  

The KVT party committee needs to continue to carry out the safe and efficient operation of the assets managed by KVT, with a focus on optimizing the system to increase the efficiency of TCT's business operations. In the near future, KVT needs to concentrate resources on conducting well the testing and receiving of the LNG Warehouse Thị Vải operation. In the long term, it is proposed that KVT closely coordinate with the Departments/Units of TCT in re-planning the Thị Vải port warehouse to optimize the deployment area for future TCT projects as well as develop the strengths of the unit.

Comrade Secretary proposes that the Party Committees under it clearly define and effectively implement the tasks of the base party cells in state-owned enterprises.

For the Party Committee of PV GAS Vietnam, Comrade Secretary proposes that the Party Committee, the leadership team of the unit, clearly understand the challenges and difficulties in the coming period, unify the direction: "Inside Management, Outside Market" for discussion, unite the principles and make decisions on related issues … For specific tasks, PV GAS Vietnam needs to closely follow customers, market developments to meet consumption needs, coordinate closely with the Corporation to jointly study, implement a plan to supply additional gas to the North. At the same time, PV GAS Vietnam notes the preparation of infrastructure and market for the consumption of imported LNG from July 2023. 

At the KCM Party Committee, Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh proposed KCM focus on safe and efficient operation of the assets managed by the unit while considering optimizing the infrastructure and developing services in its strengths. In addition, as the focal point of the Group in the Mekong Delta region, KCM pays attention to strengthening working relationships with localities, departments, and building the brand image of the Group in general and KCM in particular.

Regarding the PV PIPE Party Committee, Comrade Secretary proposes that the Party Committee directs the unit to focus on preparing resources, readying conditions (documents, production capacity, personnel...) to produce pipes for Project Lot B-O Mon. In addition, PV Pipe needs to focus on product diversification, enhance cooperation with units in the industry to participate in projects related to wind power. The Parent Company recommends that PV Pipe regularly review production standards, optimize the use/allocation of personnel suitable for the workload at each stage/market demand, customers, and implement cost reduction in all phases.

After a period of very active work, the conferences "Mid-term review of the 2020-2025 Term implementing the Party Congress's Resolution & Mid-term review of the implementation of production and business tasks in the first 6 months, the plan for the last 6 months of 2023" have been very successful. The affiliated party committees have absorbed the directives and suggestions of Comrade Secretary - Chairman of the Board of Directors Nguyen Thanh Binh and the working delegation; identifying this as an opportunity for the grassroots party committee, along with all party members and workers, to look back on the half-term journey, acknowledge what has been achieved, as well as the limitations to be overcome. 

With a determined spirit to be conveyed, believing that in the next half of the term, the collective of subordinate party committees as well as the entire Party committee of PV GAS will promote the tradition and achievements that have been reached, constantly innovate, take action, and continue to contribute to building the exemplary clean and strong Party committee of Vietnam Gas Corporation.


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